Monday, 29 April 2013

Double Page Spread: From Rough Cut - Final Version

The double page spread is where I made the most improvements and changes as I felt this is where I needed to make the biggest change so it would look interesting and unique. I started with switching the sides of the article and picture making it less conventional but more interesting and when the reader turns the page the first thing they will see is the photo of the artist. I then took a new photo which was taken with a wide area of background, this is so the double page spread can have an interesting background rather than just a plain colour. I edited the photo to make it look very unique and eye grabbing and I cropped it to fit the full double page. I then put overlayed boxes with opacity which went over the background so the article could fit into three columns. It's means you can still see the background but also the reticle stands out. The last thing I added was the L behind the article which was slightly transparent this was added due to it being the first name of the article. I added 2 pull out quotes in the article and 1 underneath the name of the artist and headline of the article which cuts into the article leaving the text to fall around it. Overall I am so happy with this page and thing the improvements created a strong and eye grabbing double page spread.

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