Thursday 7 March 2013

Analysis of Contents Page - 1

Contents Page 1: Billboard Magazine

The first contents page i will be looking at is from Billboard Magazine. This contents page is very full yet doesn't stand out at all against against a list of others. It's colour scheme is mainly grey's and blacks which is not a stand out colour however there is a hint of blue and pictures on the page that is the only colour that really stands out. There is a lot of information on this page which makes the page look very full and that there is a lot of information to take in. However i do like the font that is used for the top of the page to label it as it is different to what i saw when assessing a front cover from the same magazine, It is also the first thing that is drawn to my attention when looking at the page as it is the main big thing on the page. On the left of the page there is a column with the chart as it currently stands. This is because Billboard magazine is ran by the company who own and run the official chart in america. I Like the fact that as this is a music magazine they have the chart on the side as this is an important aspect of the music industry, I may use something like this when i create my magazine contents page. All of the images that are on this page are relevant to the different stories that are being named on the page.

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