Friday 15 March 2013

Analysis of Double Page Spread - 3

Double Page Spread 3 - NME
The third double page spread i am looking at is from the artist 'Lana Del Rey' in NME Magazine. The main photo again takes up a whole page of the double page spread. The photo is a black and white picture of the artist winking towards the camera. Because she is facing straight into the camera it draws the reader into the article. Contrasting the Black and White photograph is the Bright Orange and Blue colours they have used across the other pages also making the reader interested. They also use two different fonts for the title with the word MISSION in a strong bolded font and the ACCOMPLISHED in an italic font which is over layed diagonally on top of the first word although this happens it is still very clear what the words are. The article is separated into its own section but in the middle of it is an information box called 'A Star Is Born' featuring all of the details of how Lana Del Rey has done to become the high profile singer she is today, the background of this box is the other blue colour that is used for the word MISSION. This is something I may consider as it is interesting and created a space in between all of the text.

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