Monday 4 March 2013

Analysis of Front Cover - 4

Front Cover 4: Billboard Magazine - Taylor Swift

The penultimate magazine cover I am looking at is another cover from ‘Billboard Magazine’. It features Taylor Swift on the cover who is a country singer who has been on the music scene across the world for a good few years now. This is the first image and text that I have seen that doesn't link together as closely as it could; the picture is a full body image that shows Taylor with her guitar in a very simple outfit with a very simple design. The picture almost seems dull in comparison to other images I have seen as it is very clean cut and nice. The image is placed over the title as it is on all the other front covers I have assessed so far the magazine used Blue, Red and Black to create a colour pallet that is quite tame. Although Red is normally a fiery colour that stands out against others here it seems to be quite faded. What is different about this Billboard to the others is that the information that is advertised on the front is in a side bar that could almost be used for a website. There is also a use of different coloured blocks that creates a differentiation from the white background. The overall look of the magazine is nice and simple but this appears to the target market her music does to so it shows that the magazine reflect who their artist are wanting to target with how they produce there front page.

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