Thursday 21 February 2013

Contents Content

After completing the front cover image and content i now need to look at what I would like on the Contents Page. This is a big important issue as it is one of the most important pages of a magazine. The story ideas i have come up with are -

Miss Saigon
The stage is set for the school production of Miss Saigon, find out the backstage gossip and interviews with the cast.
The New School Meals
What is on the School menu this month,find out what delicious items we have for you to enjoy
What can you take part in?
What opportunities are available this month for you to get involved in
Solve your problems
Our School agony aunt Abby will help you with the problems you have sent in.
Contact us
Contact us with possible content ideas for our next issue.
Bland's Blockbuster Reviews.
What does Mr Bland this are the must see films of the week.

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