Monday 25 February 2013

Analysis of Contents Page - School Magazine

This is the finished design for my Contents Page of my school magazine, I used all of the photos, codes and conventions and research I gathered before I started this Preliminary Task to create my School Magazine to the best of my ability and I am happy with the outcome of both pieces of work.

Contents Page
I followed the colour scheme of the front cover within this page making sure it looks consistent to the rest of the work i had produced which is important for a Magazine and was an important factor i was looking for when creating these pages. This is because the colour is relevant to the school; I also kept the same font, design of text and picture style to really make links between the two pages.
The photos on the page make the quite simple contents page look a bit livelier and they stand out, the audience could see that the school is not only academic but creative as the pictures are quite in your face.

Things to Improve: If I were to improve anything I would spend longer on my contents page as I would like to add more emphasis to the titles of the different pieces of content, this would make the academic side of the school stand out more to the person looking or reading the magazine.

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