Sunday 24 February 2013

Analysis of Front Cover - School Magazine

This is the finished design for my Front Cover of my school magazine, I used all of the photos, codes and conventions and research I gathered before i started this Preliminary Task to create my School Magazine to the best of my ability and i am happy with the outcome of both pieces of work.

Front Cover
This is the front cover of my school magazine. I looked at a lot of different designs before deciding on this one as the right fit for what i was looking to create. Using the basic colour's blue and white i was able to link them with the colour scheme the school uses creating a magazine that is connected and looks apart of the School's house style and along with the content life. 
I chose to use a picture of one Lead Character from the current school play, this was because it would be seen to be a big deal in the current school environment and a big event for the school population.
I used a sidebar with three different segments which each have a different piece of information on that can be seen in the inside content, this also links to the contents page i created as the information goes across both.
The magazine title is large and bold to ensure it is noticed by the reader. Along with the Headline i used easy to read font's to make sure they are easily understood and stand out against the other information on the front page to the target reader and audience that could glimpse of read my magazine.

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