Saturday 9 March 2013

Analysis of Contents Page - 3

Contents Page 3: Flavour Magazine
 The third contents page I am looking at is completely different to the other two i have previously looked at. On the side of the page they have a letter from there editor, this is different then all the other music magazines I have researched so far however this is an effective piece of content to have in your magazine but i don't think this will be effective for my magazine as I have seen this a lot of times before in gossip magazines but not music publications. The main section in this contents page is the picture, this takes up nearly half of the page with the contents list on top in a slight colour transparent background. The picture has a red background which really stands out leading to the list in front of it sticking out as well  i may try to use little tricks like this to really make the important aspects of the content to stick out against all the other parts. They also have a 'On The Cover' box underneath the list and picture this helps the reader understand and know where the important information which they wanted to buy the magazine for is inside the publication. This helps the reader understand the magazine and make it simpler. The Contents list has some red transparent sections and some white sections underneath this are two of the different house style colours that they have used within the other sections of the page.

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