Friday 1 March 2013

Analysis of Front Cover - 1

Front Cover 1: Q Magazine - Adele
The Q Magazine I am looking at is sophisticated and classy with a clean slick look. The Artist 'Adele' is the feature of the front cover with the thumb placed on her lips and she is giving eye contact straight into the camera this is effective when looking at a magazine front cover as it creates a kind of intensity between the customer and the publication  The image subtly and cleverly links to the main article, as he hair is blown back which links to the title 'Adele Blows Us Away'. This is not only a great picture and headline match but this can also link to her obvious talent in a clever way. I will use this to create an effective front cover for my specified target market. Colour is also one of the most important aspects of a magazine this one is Red, White and Black. The colours are clearly chosen as they link with the logo they use for there brand and creates a consistent image for the company within the customers head. The black goes against the the white background and the red that also features on the magazine cover. I will try and use a colour scheme that also features minimal amounts of colours as it will make the magazine look more professional. I like how the image is very simple and easy to understand, it is clean and clear which is very popular with Q and there magazines. This photo is quite clearly a close up. A lot of magazines used the effect of putting the picture in front of the title and this is also used on this front cover, this will be something i will try and do as it is quite effective and is obviously a clear code and convention of the current magazine industry.

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