Sunday 28 April 2013

Contents Page: From Rough Cut - Final Version

I have made some significant changes to the contents page. I took a look at a copy of Billboard magazine so I could really concentrate on how I would like the layout of the page. The contents page is where the reader is able to see all of the information they need to know where the content is within the publication. I started by creating a list on the right hand side of all of the pages, like a full comments list making it easier to understand what is where. I then took some of the most important stories out from the menu and made bigger feature sections, giving the more important trifles (some which included pictures) more of a position on the page, this means the more important articles are what will stick in the readers mind. I used the same blue/black colour scheme with hints of red. However if I was going to do this again I would add more emphasis to the red as this is strongly used on my cover. But I am really happy with the overall design and layout.

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